Start getting your flash cards ready! Tumbleweed TexStyles is hosting a trivia contest for National Trivia Day this Monday, January 4th! The contest will be held on our brand Instagram @SHOPTWT through our instagram stories. Questions will be asked by some familiar faces that are experts in each category!
- There will be 7 categories each with one question.
- Questions will be posted throughout the day only on our @SHOPTWT instagram story.
- On each instagram story there will be a place where you can submit your answer. Answers will be revealed the next day on the 5th.
- Contest will begin at 8 am and close at midnight.
- There will be THREE winners chosen and they must get the most questions correct out of all the participants.
- Winners will be chosen at random out of all the participants who answered correctly. Winners will be announced the next day on the 5th and contacted only by our official Instagram @shoptwt!
- Each trivia winner will receive a $50 gift card to Tumbleweed TexStyles and some goodies from TUPPS Brewery!
Good luck y'all!!!
Be sure to follow us and our special guests on Instagram!